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Damion 2019-11-06 02:55:00

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Stefan 2019-11-06 08:13:22

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Japan is an important market for Novartis, accounting foraround a quarter of Diovan's global sales before the scandal.Novartis Pharma declined to disclose the impact on sales of thedrug, whose patent is due to end in Japan later this year,allowing competition from generic copycats.

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The GDP estimate released today is based on more completesource data than were available for the “advance” estimateissued last month. In the advance estimate, the increase inreal GDP was 1.7 percent. With this second estimate for thesecond quarter, the increase in exports was larger thanpreviously estimated, and the increase in imports was smallerthan previously estimated.
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Terry has a 16-year-old half-brother who authorities have said was the last person to see the boy. But Hill identified the suspect only as a "family member" and would not confirm if the suspect lived at the house.
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The Employment Policies Institute, which has opposed callsfor higher fast-food wages in the past, said in a statement thatthe reports "ignore economic evidence that dramatic wage hikeswould make fast food workers worse off" when employers "replaceemployees with less-costly automated alternatives."
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New York Fed President William Dudley, in an interview onCNBC on Tuesday, defended the central bank's surprise decisionlast week to refrain from tapering its stimulus because the U.S.economy was weaker than the Fed thought in June. Dudley, a knowndove, said he "wouldn't rule out" a stimulus reduction laterthis year.

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Internet access was cut off across Sudan after activistsbegan sharing images of the protests on social media. Shopsremained closed for most of the day and long queues formed atpetrol stations in Khartoum, one with 60 cars waiting. A majorfire blocked one of the main traffic arteries in the capital.

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Even so, the Jets were down just 13-10 with a third-and-5 at the Patriots 27 almost four minutes into the fourth quarter. Smith rolled left and threw across his body to Santonio Holmes. The ball was behind Holmes and battled into the air by New England’s Kyle Arrington and picked off by Aqib Talib at the Pats’ 11.

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In the months that followed, Booker would occasionally respond to other racy material from Lee, including a July 12 post from the Twitter temptress that read “just got a postcard from @CoryBooker in the mail. this is going under my pillow for later ;)”
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The star’s 457-page memoir, titled simply “Autobiography”, also takes aim at the British legal system, the former drummer and bassist from the Smiths and the music business with a series of typically acid quips.
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Chris Bosh added seven points, while the final member of Miami's big three, Dwyane Wade, sat the game out after playing Thursday night against Detroit. The Heat wanted to keep Wade from playing on consecutive nights since he's coming off a knee injury last season.

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Goodson was one of two free agent running back signings made by John Idzik, the other being Chris Ivory, who also has struggled getting on the field. Ivory is also battling a hamstring injury, although he practiced on a limited basis on Friday.
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